Tips to Gettin your Weightloss Started Right!

So let’s recap our Getting started right strategy

1. Know who you are - Knowing who you are, what you believe is true about you will dictate your success You were bought with a price. Now act like the priceless treasure you are.

How can we live the abundant life that Christ died for if we are in poor health?

2. Determine your why - Your Why has to be real enough and big enough to motivate you to take action. I want you to write it down and put it where you can see it to keep you focused.

3. Set Smart fitness and nutritional goals- This is going to help YOU map out where you’re going. These are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely long term and short term goals. Take a look at the online goal tracker at this is a free tool available to you.

Goals give you direction and focus. Writing them down is a powerful exercise that will keep you on track and help you reach your intended target.

4. Know your support team- Always know that you are never alone. Tap into your network of friends and especially your Beachbody Coach. They are here to be an encouragement and your success partner. There is power in being in agreement with other person.

5. Get plugged in- This is going to make you feel part of something bigger than just you and will keep you engaged and on track. Take advantage of the team challenges, message boards, and conference calls. Do not isolate yourself but get plugged in. There is no ‘I” in Team and we are Team Beachbody.

6. Stay the course- aim for progress not perfection. Rome was not built in one night and neither will your weight loss. Take It one step at a time and you will meet your goals.

7. Check your attitude- You can either make excuses or get results, but you can’t do both. whatsoever a man thinketh so is he … So Wake up and Command your morning….their is power in what you say … and what you say forms your attitude.

I encourage you to focus on not creating a weight loss but a Transformation Story. To transform your health and reap those rewards in your mind, body and soul. There’s no telling who you may inspire.

So let’s get started right! To your success, P.S. If you're sick and tired of spending money and time on failing weightloss products then let me share with you a solution to Transforming your health and say 'goodbye' to yo-yo diets - forever! Go here NOW! => Give Me the Formula

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