Eat Clean Coolers 1 and 2 Checklist

The coolers are listed in the Eat Clean Diet Expanded Edition book. This is a note from her blog.
Cooler 1: This is intended for people who would like to see rapid results. I recommend this if you are preparing for a competition and have already attempted clean eating. It is an intense plan involving few fruits (high sugar content even though it's natural) and very little lenience. I use this when I am preparing for competitions, photo shoots and media appearances and do so for no longer than a month.
Cooler 2: This cooler can be used all year round. Fruit, bread, dairy products, and the occasional glass of wine have been added in limited amounts. This does not include eating unhealthy sugars and fats.
Cooler 3: This is the slow start. If you're having trouble beginning the lifestyle plan because of food addictions, obesity, skepticism etc. start here. Then progress to cooler 2.

Note: In cooler 1 it mentions 5 protein servings simply because some people find they eat only 5 times a day. If you need a snack before bed (2 - 3 hours before bed) then have another serving of lean protein along with a light complex carb.

Bottom Line: Cooler 2 is your best bet for year-round Clean Eating.
Cooler 1 checklist

Cooler 2 checklist
To your success, P.S. If you're sick and tired of spending money and time on failing weightloss products then let me share with you a solution to Transforming your health and say 'goodbye' to yo-yo diets - forever! Go here NOW! => Give Me the Formula

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